Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And I see you sleep, I see you sleep next to me

It's been a strange and rainy summer, and perhaps an even stranger autumn, although remarkably less rainy. I've been thinking about the blog a lot (honestly), but things always got in the way. Mind you, I managed to see Pulp play twice, both times too fantastic and surreal to begin trying to put into words. 
In November I've put all my writing energies towards a story that seems more or less stuck for now, probably I've picked the wrong theme at the wrong time, but it was worth the experience anyway. While I'm waiting for an idea to save this story or a new project to turn my hands to, I might as well continue the blog (and hopefully manage to keep going throughout life's other distractions).

The strangeness of the cold and dark late autumn days is captured perfectly in Amor de Días' album Street of the Love of Days. The band, that is primarily Alasdair MacLean of one of my all time favourites The Clientele, and Lupe Núñez-Fernández of indie pop duo Pipas, quietly worked on this beautiful debut over the course of three years. The result shines with rich imagery, bilingual lyrics and varied soft instrumentation.I really love the sound of both their voices on this album, especially when they mix as beautifully as they do in the haunting "Dream (Dead Hands)". I'd still like Alasdair to continue with The Clientele as well, but in the meantime, make sure you give Amor de Días a listen. (And yes, I know it's winter now, but hey - there's "Wild Winter Trees" with the line which gave this entry its name, and sometimes makes me stop breathing for a moment).

Amor de Días official site
Try Amor de Días - Bunhill Fields

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