Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's such a twisted life, so hold me tight

Another band I feel needs a lot more attention is the New Zealand duo French for Rabbits. Their debut EP Claimed by the Sea was released just a few weeks back. Somehow I must have come across them when the faded nautical artwork caught my eye. But that's not the only form of beauty to be found here, soon I discovered the music is beautiful too: a perfect mix of folk and dream pop with lyrics full of longing for something lost, for new places to go, and perhaps for a little piece of safety in a world becoming crazier by the day. Brooke's soft vocals add to the intimate feel, and besides… you just can't go wrong with songtitles like "The Cats"!    

You can listen to the entire 6 track EP on bandcamp, and if you enjoy it buy the digital version or order a physical copy (with instant download - always a great option).

homepage (info, pictures, shows)
bandcamp (listen/buy)

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