Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm not sure that you wish I was here, but I have come all this way...

Ok so perhaps I'm biased, but these days there's nothing more exciting than a new My Sad Captains song, let alone several, or a whole EP. Ok maybe the feeling of summer finally starting makes a pretty close runner-up (or the cute guy I keep running into at the cafeteria), but when I first played the Resolutions EP I knew this would be my highlight of the day/week/month… While amazing at first listen, it's the kind of music that still gets better every time (and fabulous to accompany you walking around town, I've noticed, especially with tram rides too).
Definitely means more than I could put into words, or pay for with money, yet it's completely free, so you've got no reason to miss it!

Saw this interesting new song on youtube too, can't wait to find this on a future release!

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